How to deal with ganks in mid
Hi guys! I used to play Irelia back in s12-13 and I was really good, to the point a I got Diamond 1 87lp by OTP her and I was top 4-5 irelia on my server (LAN). I quit mid since im am ADC by nature, now im back playing her and is reaaaally annoying, I can’t enjoy play with irelia anymore. I have a really agressive playstyle, so as soon as I have the chance I will fight the other midlaner, however as soon as I have advantage everyone comes to mid and baby sit the other midlaner to the point it looks like an aram!! What can I do? Is this son frustrating.
Btw: I always have vision altough it doesnt matter, the always baby sit the other midlaner. And excuse my spelling, I’m a spanish native speaker