Any FET #2-5 (euploid only) success stories? Scared I’ll run out of blasts.
TW: high-ish numbers
I’m very fortunate to have 11 blasts from my first ER. We tested 7 and all 7 are transferable (6 euploids and 1 LLM T21 but clinic is fine with transferring). 4 are untested and I suspect probably 2 normals out of those (AB graded ones since my LLM is a BB so I think the BBs might be abnormal). So all in all probably 8-9 transferable embryos. We want 2, possibly 3 children but don’t have the funds right now to do another ER.
Our first FET of our top quality (4AB thawed to 5AA) day 5 euploid completely failed, as it didn’t even implant. I’ve been reading a bunch of horror stories where someone had 18 embryos transferred and it all failed, mostly complete implantation failure.
I just can’t shake this fear that this will happen to us and we will run out of embryos to even have 1 child.
Anyone have their first FET of a perfect euploid completely failed to implant but have success within FET #2 to #5?