Longer-lasting semi permanent hair dyes?

Hi all! Currently going through a random identity crisis and have been getting impulses to dye my hair ever since January. I currently have it permanently dyed purple (it’s more maroon as I went over my red dyed hair) , but in a month or two I plan on bleaching it (professionally) and then using a semi permanent hair dye. I’m thinking of going an ultra violet but I’ve also been drawn to the bright reds and blues, maybe even silver. However, when I’ve looked about online, I’ve seen a lot of hair dyes say that they only last for 6-8 washes.

My issue at the moment is that I’m in a bad habit of washing my hair every day. I know that’s not good and I’m trying to train it during the Easter holidays as I’m not going out as much. My hair just looks really greasy and dirty the day after so I feel I need to wash it again. Anyways my question is what are the longer lasting semi-permanent hair dyes? What would be perfect for me is something that lasts 4 weeks + , as I don’t mind going over it every now and then.

Also I’ve read online that semi permanent dye lasts longer on bleached hair, is this a myth or a genuine fact? Also want to point out that I’m a rookie with hair dye and have nobody in my family who has experience with it, I’ve only dyed my hair twice.

Thank you for reading ! :)