Does anyone have experience with Water activated fiberglass wrap?? Need a lil help
I’m on call this week, and as usual, all my after hours calls are absolute nightmares. This one was no different. Had a water leak in a basement, leaking pipe was in between two floor joists and above the basement wall. Space was too tight to use my pro press and my acetylene was empty. So my boss has this “great” idea to use this Water activated fiberglass wrap to seal the leak until we can perform a permanent fix. I wrapped the pipe, sealed the leak and all is good at the home until we come back. My problem is that I got home and realized this is harder to remove from my skin than it is to remove two conjoined twins. Does anyone here have experience with this kind of product and can point me in the direction of getting this shit off of me? I don’t want black arms for Christmas pictures with my family 😭