$6500 item stolen in Granada - police unhelpful with airtags
EDIT: thanks for the discussion everyone. The airtag has not had signal in about 36+ hours now so I think it's safe to say they found the tag and have now removed it. Several people have mentioned getting it resold on Wallapop or at some sort of local pawn shop. The camera was a Leica Q3 (28mm). It has a thick, washed denim strap from a company called 'Edwin'. The edges of the camera are scuffed.
If the bag is with it, it is a mini Dickies duffel bag (I can't find an image for some reason—bought in Japan). There is a cute pair of bear gloves (I believe this may be the easiest thing to spot because it's so flashy, though I'm sure it'd be sold separately from the camera somewhere). There is a red omamori from Sensoji Temple (to ward off evil—I really hope the thief gets diarrhea for life). Also a pink screen wipe and another pair of black fingerless gloves. Of course, there was an airtag though I'm pretty sure it's been removed by now.
If you see it, please, please let me know. It is a precious companion to me and I am so sad that it's somewhere out there with someone who merely sees it as a monetary gain than the love that camera deserves. I am happy to provide a reward if found. I greatly appreciate you taking your time to read this!
Today at around 6-6:30 PM, my $6500 camera was pickpocketed from my backpack at Granada Station. I'll save everyone the story because I'm so exhausted and sad and overwhelmed but will get to the main points:
-My camera has an airtag that updated the location several times. However, I do not drive and the pickpocket was moving to multiple cities (Cijuela, Santa Fe, Granada, etc.)
-I was able to flag down the local police relatively quickly but they were not helpful (though they were kind). I lost precious time waiting 20 minutes for a police van to come, only for the airtag to move out of their jurisdiction as we were moving. They told me to go to the national police.
-I went to the national police and they were even less helpful. I wasted about 2-2.5 hours waiting in the queue, filing a report, only for me to repeatedly say that I know the location, I just want someone to come with me as I'm scared to confront the thief on my own (solo female traveller, pitch dark outside). It sounded like they were willing but for some reason after I finished filing, they said 'we can't go with you.'
-I went to the last known location anyways but by that point the airtag hadn't updated its location in 3 hours (perhaps the thief went to sleep in a place with no iphones nearby). I looked and walked around for about 1-2 hours but with no avail.
I am just utterly devastated, sad, and frustrated—mostly due to my incompetence but also because the airtag was live for at least 2 hours and I think we could've caught them, but no one seemed willing or able. I understand the local police—they aren't a private cab and probably have no power in other cities. I am really upset with the national police.
I asked my reception at the hotel to help and the national police gave him a phone number for an English line, only for the receptionist to call and then realize that phone number does not exist or is not in use.
I am not sure if I have any more options or if I've exhausted everything. Granada was a dream city of mine to visit and now it's turned into a nightmare. If anyone has any ideas/tips, please let me know. I will be going out tomorrow morning to see if I can track it myself and then call the police once I'm close enough (if I can get a signal) but I really wish I could just be with police from the start.