This is the first season festival trully sucks

  1. Rotation time sucks. Almost no incentive to play daily
  2. Quests are now grindy as hell, rocket racing style. It turned into a chore, most of the time a boring chore.
  3. Directly related to 1 and 2, players leaving all the time now. More than ever.
    1. You cant get new quests while you are in the score screen after finishing a song, so you have to leave to get new quests.
    2. If you care about efficiency, then you'll complete everything you can in a song then leave midway and start a new lobby. Combine this with "do X things in a party" style quests, or having "Play X instrument" twice in your quest list.
    3. Now that quests give you main battle pass xp, people just come to festival to afk farm quests like "Play x instrument Y times" or "Get X band stars while playing on a party"
    4. Or maybe you just dont want to play the same free song for the 50th time