Why aren't chores sexy for women?


This is something that has recently started to bother me. Very often both dommes (f) and subs (m) describe how the sub doing household chores is part of a d/s dynamic. Sometimes chores are outright sexualised, while other times they are just a non-sexualised but submissive service to the domme.

Here's the thing. Sexy, submissive chore- doing is MUCH less common amoung female subs. I know this from my decades-long involvement in women-only bdsm groups and spaces.

I've attended many all-women play parties: no-one was doing the dusting. I helped publish a women-only BDSM magazine: not once did vacumning feature. I have literally never once had housework involved in any scene or dynamic with another woman. Not only that, it has never even occurred to me to include it!

From what I can tell from submissive women including myself who (also) play with dominant men, it's the same. (Unless it's specifically 50s housewife kink).

This is all up against the reality that women still do the vast majority of household labour (Google two seconds for 50 reliable sources). Women doing chores is normal. It isn't sexy, and neither is submission to the patriarchy.

So what are we doing when we sexualise men's chores as submissive instead of normalising them? Shouldn't we be demanding that men take on their fare share as equals? Why should chores for men be sexy?

Edit: And the downvotes have already started...