Are there any stories where centaurs, as a race, are interesting?

I can't even think of anything but Narnia and Percy Jackson that they're in. And they're perfectly fine there, but they're fairy tale creatures.

They can be good characters, clearly. But I seriously can't think of any way that centaur society could function. I'm sure they could farm well enough, but things like construction would have to be totally different, even in areas where they commingle with humans.

Like, humans could build them things, probably more efficiently than the centaurs themselves could, but it would have to accommodate their physiology. No stairs, certainly. Large doors. Wide open rooms. They couldn't realistically enter the homes of their human neighbors. Any cities or towns with centaur citizens would have to comply with centaur accessible building codes. Else they be a seperate class of people.

That tumblr post from a few years ago, that illustrated fully mobile foal bodies flopping around human baby top halves started me thinking of this stuff. And since then, I've struggled to think of centaurs as much more than a joke. Which is a shame, for such an iconic mythological creature.

As I was writing this I realized that I share a lot of the same concerns as the above centaurs, being a wheelchair user... I might have a book to write...