Someone hacked our Facebook Ads account through JFK's charging stations to promote "Cucumber Coin, a cucumber-themed crypto coin. You can't make this up.
TLDR: Some crypto devs are out here hacking phones through JFK charging stations, building actual cucumber-themed tokens, and know more about optimal FB ad structures than most marketers seen. What a time to be alive. 🥒🚀
Digital marketer here with a wild story about how our FB ad accounts got compromised to promote what might be the strangest crypto I've ever seen.
Last night I'm auditing our Facebook ads when I notice something that doesn't belong - an AI-generated image of a smiling cucumber wearing a bitcoin chain, riding a rocket ship to the moon. it's called "Cucumber Coin", ticker $CCB on Solana.
But then I see it's not just in one account. This cosmic cucumber somehow got uploaded to FOUR of our brand's ad accounts, with campaigns ready to launch.
The fun part? All these cucumber ads were created within 20 minutes of my coworker plugging his phone into a charging station at JFK airport. (Spoiler: never doing that again)
Here's where it gets interesting for my fellow FB ads people:
- They perfectly mimicked our naming conventions
- Created campaigns that looked exactly like our regular structures
- Set budgets that matched our usual spend
- Even copied our typical audience targeting
- But replaced all creatives with this cucumber astronaut
How does this happen?