What brought you into EDtG?
I first saw this game on a YouTube video showing people reacting to the jump scares, my first thought was "wow what a novel idea to include in a game". I honestly thought that playing demon was kind of like being a DM in D&D, which really appealed to me. I wasn't disappointed when I finally got the game and started playing Plague Bringer I won my first few games pretty messy actually but I had hoped to bring that energy of being a story teller to the game, with the heroes winning against evil, if they played their cards right. Over time though I became less appreciative of my "playthings" and more focused on just winning as the teams I played against became more and more challenging.
I was still winning probably 95% of my matches, when I just stopped playing. I played two matches last year, and only one match this year as demon. Honestly I want to love this game, maybe some of you are feeling the same. So what got you into EDtG and if you feel the same as I do, what would it take to reignite that energy you had when you first played?