POC/Plus size best friend trope
Hi! This is more of a rant and less of a discussion, but there’s one writer whose stories I really enjoy. Her stories, whether she knows it or not, almost all contain this trope. It bothers me a lot as a mixed race black person when I see this woman with darker skin as a side character all the time. As someone who has struggled with someone attempting to cast me down into that role and play some weird little sidekick, this is extremely demeaning. It’s especially demeaning when she’s the only POC in the story using AAVE, which means that it was done on purpose for that specific character. I will definitely not continue to read this authors stories, but I’m not going to say their name and have someone get all mad at them, I just kind of needed to rant about this a little bit :(
edit: if anyone wants the name of this author so they know not to read their stories just dm me and I’ll try to respond as quickly as I can!