[0 YoE] My resume with little experience. Trying to get out into my field after graduating in the middle of 2024. Just started seriously looking for jobs in November, after 100+ applications finding it hard to find one.


Having trouble finding a job currently, like a lot of others. I have been targeting Software Dev roles, data analyst roles, and support roles. I am located in Northern Ohio, not much in person for my major in my city. I cannot relocate, but can do an in-person in my area or remote. Only previous job was a job at a Pizza chain in my hometown, currently on unemployment and will be switching to doordashing until I find something in about two weeks. I have been applying to about 10-20 jobs per week since the beginning of November. I'm not getting called back for interviews - I had one interview so far that wasn't a scam of some sort, and I got denied after round 2 interviews. This is my updated resume, after posting on the main Resumes subreddit. I will post my old one in the comments.