Besides Mutate, what other ability/keyword/spell allows another creature to do Commander Dmg?

I've been struggling to make a Voltron deck that I would feel is unique and hits the keynotes I wanted without feeling too samey.

First I thought of doing an extra combat Voltron where I kill everyone on 1 turn but realized the set up was too hard.

Then I thought of using slicer but felt he's too strong for casual.

Next I looked into partners where I could try swinging in two different commanders so both of them can be threats (yes I know each has its own 21)

Even though of using Tevesh to steal other peoples commanders to win through that.

But none of these truly interested me as it always felt that it was easily telegraph when I was going to go all in.

Recently I found out that mutate lets the creature no matter top or bottom still deal combat damage and to me that sounds fun.

So I'm wondering if there are other mechanics like this that I might be missing out on before I start building a mutate deck.

I can run some of the best Voltron commanders and whichever sticks around just mutate my commander onto and swing. Sadly there's no Naya commander with mutate though.