Fifa points addiction
I’ve spent thousands on this damn game.
My girlfriend recently found out she can look at my purchase history on the Xbox, and found thousands spent. But, I didn’t even REALISE it was that much, which is why I think I have a problem.
She understands this as an addiction and is being really supportive, but I just don’t know how I can change. This game is a great social aspect to play and keep in touch with friends, so giving up the game is unrealistic.
I also buy a lot of points externally on CD keys, so a lock on purchases made on the Xbox won’t change any of it.
I don’t know what to do, I’m hoping, someone else has fallen in this hole and can offer advice how to get out of it? She’s suggested therapy but, would I have to pursue a certain type?
I feel humiliated and disgusted with myself, there’s been times I’ve had no money to help her with sudden bills which she’s now realised is because I’ve spent it on the Xbox.
I’m coming to terms with the fact this is not right or normal, I have a problem brought on by myself. I’m low key relieved she found it all? I don’t think I would have ever told her, as I didn’t view it as a problem or realise just how much money it was?
Reaching out in hope someone else has managed to get out of this? Any advice, suggestions, plans or ideas are greatly appreciated