Exercise recommendations for a long and pain-free professional career, please 🙏

I've only been doing dentistry for a few years but over the last 12-18 months I've developed early tennis/golfer's elbow. I also find I can lose feeling/get fatigued in fingers when the pt is tensing and I'm retracting tongue/cheek.

Back ache during difficult posterior treatment is ofc an issue too, esp if I'm struggling to use indirect vision and have to crane my head instead.

I get this much quicker than I used to (when I first started work, I never noticed how any aches except during a difficult XLA)

Went to the GP and one physio appt (NHS). They recommended some exercises and while the issue is much less frequent (it was getting to the point pain radiating down my arm was keeping me up at night and even called in sick once, it was that bad), I still can't imagine doing this job for another few decades?

What is the best things I can do to help me carry out this career long-term without suffering as I age? I see patients with severe carpal tunnel and arthritis and it always looks so painful and treatment often ineffective.. I really want to prevent anything like this early on.

Disclaimer and pls don't hate me for this: I'm not a gym person. I work far/get home late, busy family life and I'm not a morning person so pls don't suggest going before work. I'd be happy to go once a week if there's specific exercises that will really help and can only be done at the gym..