Employee Service Puppy

Just opened up my dental practice in California and have a rockstar employee who recently got a puppy. The employee just told me she would like to make it a service dog for her disability.

I feel uneasy about having a puppy in the dental office. From my knowledge service dogs need to go through rigorous training but when I look online it seems rather vague about what requirements are needed (and supposedly you can’t ask what training they went through). I’m also curious if there are further requirements for a medical facility.

For the time being I asked the employee to not bring the puppy in until I consult with my lawyer about compliance. The employee was respectful and understanding.

My main concern is the puppy reacting poorly, getting loose and interacting with a patient scared of dogs, etc. I want to make sure the dog would be documented and fully compliant should a situation arise. Does anyone know where I can get better info on this?