Getting Rid of Hu-Friedy Dental Tools at a Big Discount
Excuse my lack of understanding on some of the dental terminology below, I am not in the industry -- my father is. My dad has been in dental sales for almost all of his life.
I was going through the garage at his house and have found tons and tons of unopened Hu-Friedy tools. Mainly scalers, curettes, mirror handles, back action chisels, explorers, seldin elevators, periosteal elevators, retractors, etc.
He said some of this stuff is worth a good bit of money. He is retiring soon, so he's trying to get rid of it all to make some extra cash.
I already did some research and ebay sounds like the best place to sell these tools. Are there any other good websites or markets to sell these items?
He's not looking to make a fortune off this stuff, and ideally wants to sell a lot of it at bulk at a heavy discounted price. Thanks in advance.