She blew off the date.
Hello fellow coaches.
I met a nice girl at NYE, shes one year older than me and we clicked really well. I got her number and i texted her abiut 4 days later that it was nice meeting her and when shes free to get together. She responded very positive and agreed to do something the coming week. It didnt work out with our schedule and we planned our date this friday.
I didnt know what to do at some point when i heard from a friend she has a bf. He told me , forget ahout her etc. I didnt think so, i thought i want to hear it from her first. I know its a heavy red flag if she has and starts dating other man. I would never date someone seriously like that, a girl like that you can never trust.
But i waited, and i got a text from here 2 days ago saying; " i dont know if i told you this but i got out pf a relationshop 1.5 months ago. And its too early for me to date, it doesnt feel right.." It sucked,, but somehow it felt positive. 1. She doesnt have a bf 2. She agreed to do something eventhough she just got out of a relationship
I need to give her space, so i thought see whatsupp with her in 2 weeks.
So my question is,, do i just let her come to me or should i text her in 2-3 weeks time?
(I texted her back btw that its no problem and i totally understand. And she has my number whenever she changes her mind)