Solving Toxic Communication Issue
Hey guys,
I ve read a lot about the in-game toxicity in chat, and in light of the recent change to how chat communication works, there might be better solutions.
I remember League of Legends had an interesting punishment system in place some years ago (not sure if still live): The community was turned into judges.
Once a player was reported, the chat script of that match was saved, and presented on an automated rotation to players who registered as a "judge". You could then decide by the evidence if the reported player should be punished by a tiered punishment system.
This might be a good middle ground between cost efficiency and actually punishing bad behaviour. After all, dear Relic, you are already using your community as beta-testers, map makers and balance testers, you can also use them as moderators. :)
All in all - I feel there are cost efficient options around to improve player interactions.
What do you think?