Coinbase is absolute garbage. "We will keep your funds locked down for 5 business days even if your ACH fully completes in less than 24hrs" FTFY
I'm a new investor. I heard Coinbase is good. I signed up and ACH'd $2k into my Coinbase assets to start, this was on Saturday.
I read the info and noted it could take up to 5 business days for the deposit to clear. "ok, cool, np, my bank is really good and ACH funds always clear in less than 24hrs for me"
Monday rolls around and sure enough, before COB Monday the ACH cleared. Tuesday morning it was officially marked as "completed" in my bank. But Coinbase still had my funds locked.
Wednesday, same deal, funds still locked.
Thursday, same deal, funds still locked, despite fully 100% completing over 48hrs prior.
Tomorrow is the 20th, and Coinbase "asset info" has stated my funds will be freed on the 20th at the latest (they meant "you won't get your funds until the 20th regardless"). And I can only hope my funds actually are released tomorrow, which is a concern after reading so many horror stories about Coinbase over the past few days while trying to figure out what's wrong with Coinbase.
Coinbase needs to re-word their terms from "ACH funds can take up to 5 days to deposit/clear", and change them to "We will keep your funds on lock for the absolute full 5 business days regardless of how good your bank is and how quickly the ACH completes".
Needless to say this has been incredibly frustrating as a new investor. I never would have even used Coinbase if I knew they operated like this.
Can't wait for my Ledger Nano X to arrive.
Edit: I knew I was forgetting the other big issue I have with CB.
CB isn't allowing me to add a debit card to my account. The message I received when I tried to add a debit literally says "We've decided your account is not allowed to add a debit card, and for security reasons we cannot tell you why we decided this. There is no appealing this and it is permanent for your account."
Edit 2: I can't keep replying to redditors who don't even bother to read what I typed. There are no possible ways for me to break down what I've said any further and clearer. See this comment for the most detailed explanation. If you comment and haven't read what I typed, I'm not even considering replying to you.
If you're a redditor who has read what I've typed, please disregard my shortness, it's not aimed at you.