I used Claude to fetch 1.2 million NBA player stat lines

since the 1984-85 season, so I could build Letterboxd/Goodreads for basketball: https://hooplog.io/

Sorry, did I say I built it? I'm a non-dev with zero coding experience. I didn't even know what Next.js was a month ago. Technically, Sonnet 3.5 & 3.7 built literally everything for me. And yes, I've talked to Claude more than I have my family, my friends, and my coworkers in the last 5 weeks.

Find any game, give it a letter grade, add notes, and create lists. It's been fascinating to see patterns in what I enjoy (and how much time I spend watching NBA games that bring me the opposite of joy...).

It's 100% free, no ads, and I don't collect any personal info - I originally made it for myself and a few friends, but we've all found it useful so I thought maybe others would like it too. Also, I'd love genuine feedback on how to make it better!