Pastor preaches about sex then brags he has good sex with his wife.. is this appropriate?
This associate full time pastor is late 20’s, both he and his wife are both very attractive. They have two beautiful children and seemingly not hurting financially. That day the main pastor wasn’t there.
He first says that we, the church, wants us, the congregation, to have good sex, and then says he and his wife, calls her out by name, tells us how attractive she is (and she definitely is like 9) has good sex. He then tells us the congregation how he tells his wife that he has the best sex with her.
I can see how people can get uncomfortable with this. One way is mentioning sex from the pulpit. The other way is that, while I’m glad he is having good sex, many other people may not be statistically speaking. Many are divorcing, cheating, fighting, turning to porn, emotionally checking out, etc. Many couples young and old are dealing with things physically and emotionally that keep each other apart. Even if you did what you were supposed to like waiting until you get married it can still have a bad sex life for seemingly infinite reasons.
What Im saying is that if it sounds inappropriate to say. “Hey you pay me well (some people aren’t) and if you can have two beautiful children (bc some people can’t, and that’s very traumatic to deal with), has a extremely beautiful wife, and if you or husband is a pastor (pretty much no one else listening is) then you can have good sex too.” Because It just seems like he is mocking the congregation. Yeah I want everyone to have good sex but just don’t say that if you aren’t (and trust he’s and the church is not) prepared to explain how. (I looked to that a bit and found that they have an undisclosed list of counselors/therapists to provide people if people go asking). It seems like he’s dangling a carrot too.