Teenage Scrupulosity
Hi everyone, need some advice and thanks in advance.
Parent of a soon-to-be 15yo girl, high school freshman. I posted here before about some of her struggles with religious OCD, including not wearing tight clothes or not listening to secular music.
The situation has evolved. Now, she cries a few nights a week over “not feeling connected to God”. At first we thought this is because the fervor has worn off, but we now understand it’s more complicated than that:
1) She blames herself for being attracted to secular contents online, like videos classmates would post, as these are “sins” and that by watching them she’s “deliberately sinning”,
2) She gets angry or impatient, though she never shows it, at people who don’t understand her struggles. This means most of this anger is bottled up; she also says that getting angry is a sin because the Bible says “don’t be quick to anger”.
3) During these crying episodes, she ruminates about failing God and not getting into heaven.
The common thread here seems to be self-blame and guilt.
She’s performing at school, eating and exercising well, and also sleeping okay according to her. She’s seeing a faith-based counselor weekly, although the counselor is hesitant to label her as having OCD because her life isn’t entirely upended by this. Both the counselor and my daughter acknowledge that there’s depression and anxiety going on.
This problem has deprived her of having fun and being with friends. She goes to church and has a youth group with decent mentors, but sometimes being with them also triggers her as she feels jealous that others experience much joy in God while she doesn’t. Then she feels guilty for feeling this way.
HELP: has anyone gone through this before? What got you out of the corner? Her struggles aren’t something we can easily design an exposure-based therapy for, for example. As parents—not particularly religious ones—we’re heart broken to see her struggle like this. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you and God bless.