Hypocrisy of Milords


In the above article Milords are too concerned about the heritage of the city and same is the case when it comes to floor wise selling of houses is concerned but when it comes to Rock Garden Milords be like what heritage which heritage instead they are the ones who ordered the expansion of parking by demolishing a part of Rock Garden ..

I don't understand the Hypocrisy of Judiciary and the so called opaque collegium which is against every value that they preach


In the above article Milords are too concerned about the heritage of the city and same is the case when it comes to floor wise selling of houses is concerned but when it comes to Rock Garden Milords be like what heritage which heritage instead they are the ones who ordered the expansion of parking by demolishing a part of Rock Garden ..

I don't understand the Hypocrisy of Judiciary and the so called opaque collegium which is against every value that they preach