An Important Announcement

Hey guys, I just wanted to take a moment to brief you on how we intend to host the album drop tonight.

Around 11pm EST, all user submissions will be disabled except for commenting, and a Megathread will be created.

This Megathread will be sorted by new to recreate the old live chat feature reddit removed.

This is to promote us all being able to experience the first listen live as a community, as well as to curtail an overwhelming amount of spam posts that would occur otherwise.

The shutdown of user submissions will be temporary of course, but we refrain on giving a specific timeline for when the filter will be lifted, because numerous factors will be considered, such as how the album is recieved, and how many attempted spam posts we see on the log coming from outside brigaders.

Its entirely possible that we may stay shut down until tomorrow. But that may not be necessary.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. We are so close to the touchdown y'all, LFG.