After 37 years, I finally went to a theater acting class
And I loved it! I signed up for the course.
I think this is the first thing that I have ever done, in my whole life, that was totally for me and no one else…
I’ve been wanting to do theater for as long as I can remember. But I have always been too scared, or deemed myself not good enough.
But a few weeks ago something clicked in my healing. I suddenly feel love and compassion for myself, I can relax and enjoy time with other safe people, and I am suddenly doing things to be nice to myself.
And then I got really angry that I have always denied myself the opportunity to act, because I was too busy hiding and judging myself. So I signed up. And I went. And this beautiful thing happened where I was not overcome with shame or fear or panic or whatever. I was just doing it. It was an improv class and I was just doing improv. I was enjoying myself and going with the flow. Talking to (and acting with) the other people in the class. I really felt part of the group, and having a blast.
This was days ago, but I’m still reeling with excitement and wonder. I never knew it was possible to be so in the moment and to feel so connected to yourself and others.