Is anyone else super early in their pregnancy and feel like its not real? Like this CAN'T be real... right?

TTC for almost a year. I thought I was going crazy when I saw the first shadow of a line this past Monday... it was so early! and then yesterday I see a REAL (albeit faint) line. and then I get a positive digital. and then I got a darker test this morning. I feel like this can't be real, I have a human in me? WHAT?

I am super early. like, 3w2d kind of early. trying not to get my hopes up or think about it too much but thats pretty much impossible. Also, now that I know I'm pregnant, I feel like I am hyper-aware of my body. cramps, (probably anxiety) nausea, tender boobs... I know its all just the progesterone.

anyone else feeling similar? 😫