Reflecting on how common it is for BPDers to accuse their partners of having BPD

Honestly think about it: people with BPD are notoriously horrible at trusting their partners and seeing things from the other perspective, so it makes sense that when they start throwing a big fit and you’re trying to react, to them it would just look like you’re splitting for no reason and not that you’re simply reacting to the situation

I.e. my ex bf ( he was diagnosed with BPD and is known by most of his family and friends to have it) would flat out throw things at me and scream verbally abusive things over what others would find trivial (“you’re a disgusting piece of shit” etc etc) but once I decided to leave to remove myself from the situation he would say that I’m splitting because god forbid I leave to protect myself and my mental health

His accusations drove me crazy because I felt like my experience was invalidated. I started questioning my own judgement and my own reality. I started asking my psychiatrist and all my closest loved ones whether I have it or not and they pretty much all laughed and said no

Idk my point is that there is no end to how twisted their manipulation can be so you have to be very mindful of the ways that they’ve affected your sense of self and your thoughts. you have to constantly remember that they’re sick and that has nothing to do with you.