A toupee???

Started talking to this guy and really liked him. However, last week when we were goofing around playing video games, I accidently touched his hair. "Accidentally" and I kid you not, he backed off like he never has in the entire time we've been together. It didn't even feel like hair!

Do note, I'm already "settling" as it is if we talk about families. My family (liberal af) wanted me to marry someone who matches their status. But unfortunately, men who belong there are never really serious or literate enough. Educated, yes, but literate no. Wealthy, yes, but kinda crazy too. In a dangerous way. I have brothers so trust me, I know.

This guy on the other hand comes from a humble background and I seem to have taken a liking to him. But what the hell. A toupee? When my friends told me about this, I thought they were joking. But nope. I was too embarrassed to ask and now most of the infatuation has plummeted.

Super nice guy. Very macho. Very protective. Very skilled. Very observant. I'd take these qualities over wealth any day, but a fkn toupee? Ladies, I need help. I am not sure whether to keep entertaining this match or not.

Also, he's a Mama's boy so there's that. He himself hasn't given me any hints of that, but his friends say so. What do I do... Love his macho-i-got-you vibes, but also don't love the fact that he's a mamas boy and to top it off, a toupee...