Let's talk about privilege.

I see so many posts about students comparing themselves to other applicants. Let me share my story.

I have a good SAT score (not full but still good). But I got SAT coaching as my family was able to pay.

I had good AP scores. But being able to pay for AP exams and classes was a big advantage.

I have good ecs. But having time to do these ecs without worrying about the cost was an advantage.

I have research in my resume. But I first learned how to and what I was interested in at a paid program. I put in the work, learned a lot and have actual knowledge to the research but yes, it was paid. I went on to do local, community based research but again, having relatives in the field helped me get a head start.

I have good/decent essays. I put in hours of work and editing and am proud, but having parents who are educated and experienced in writing was a big support.

None of these things mean I didn't put in the work. I did. My scores, essays and ecs would never have been possible without effort on my side. But having my family's support, both financially and mentally helped me a lot. This isn't to say that those without this privilege can't do it or to say that those with privilege only can.

This is a reminder to NOT COMPARE YOURSELF without CONTEXT. To the privileged: you do not have to be legacy or millionaires to be privileged. All the things I said above is also privilege. Be open about the support you received, be nice and help out others wherever you can. To those who are not: Be nicer to yourself. Don't beat yourself up.