Christmas trees
As if I couldn't be more pissed off at the consumerist frenzy that it the Christmas season, I just had a heated debate with a co-worker regarding Christmas trees and how "everybody absolutely must have one".
There are basically no good options here:
- you either buy a fake tree, which will last a few years, but is made almost entirely from plastic
- get a real tree, which has been growing just nicely for the past decade, converting CO2 to oxygen and enriching the soil, just so you can decorate your living room with it for a month
The best way to get around this problem is to use a potted tree for this purpose, but Christmas trees are usually spruces or firs, which cannot survive indoors for any extended period of time. Me and my gf compromised (I don't want to have decorated tree at all) by decorating a spruce bonsai I keep in our small yard year-round and not having an indoor tree at all, but we often get funny looks from people when we explain our approach.
How do you approach this dendrological issue and do you have any go-to suggestions for more traditional, Christmas-obsessed people?