Partner reluctant to try to live in the U.S.
Hi all! 48/M here, Hispanic. I've been recently invited to apply to a job in San Diego, CA. It's literally a dream job that pays very well, over twice as much as what I make in Melbourne, with much better working conditions and future prospects. Plus my aging parents are in Venezuela. I'd absolutely love to at least apply and see what happens.
Now, my wife (34) is Canadian-Australian and is adamantly opposed to move to the U.S., though, mainly due to the current political climate. She says it'd be hard to raise a child there given the circumstances, and that we'd be lonely without a support network (her family is here in Oz). She's open to move to Canada, though.
I honestly can't blame her, but I wonder if her absolute opposition to the U.S. as a destination is perhaps a bit too extreme, especially to a location she would likely love otherwise like San Diego. She's never lived in the U.S., though (on the other hand, she's very open to move to Canada).
Thoughts? Have a great day everyone.
UPDATE: Thanks everyone, especially to those who made constructive comments. It's helped us both (my wife and I) understand each other's position much better. We both agree much more than disagree and are happy this helped us make a better decision for our family.