2nd day on the job already suspended.

So today I had my second day on my own. I’m genuinely really really enjoying this job! It’s easy as long as you’re following the rules and staying sorted! Today started off well did 40 stops in my first 2 and 1/2 hours. Went in a driveway, that unfortunately had ice on it, mind you this was also a long driveway more than 250 feet and had a turn around at the end. I made the decision to go in, but got stuck. After a few failed attempts to get out I called my DSP, they said they would send someone out. Well the homeowner then comes along and helped me out so I was no longer stuck. I called them back and told them, and they still gave me the suspension! Now I understand yeah don’t drive on ice, but to be suspended for something that probably occurs often as well as it’s freaking winter… is this an every dsp rule? Am I in trouble? If it counts for anything I’m also only doing nursery routes rn… Can this be appealed? Money is really tight and I need every hour I can get. Someone help!