Got attacked by a German shepherd.
Giant German shepherd ran out of the house I was delivering to. I turned to run and hop over a fence, fortunately the dog only got me with its claws. The owner was a dick and started blaming me saying he has a beware of dog sign. The sign is faded and covered by some bushes. I really wasn’t paying attention. After work I went to the hospital to have some record of the incident. I filed a DWC1 forum which is a workmen’s comp form, letting my DSP know what happened, but they haven’t filled their portion out yet. I haven’t received any medical bills, so I’m probably fine. The dog situation is pretty stressful.
Giant German shepherd ran out of the house I was delivering to. I turned to run and hop over a fence, fortunately the dog only got me with its claws. The owner was a dick and started blaming me saying he has a beware of dog sign. The sign is faded and covered by some bushes. I really wasn’t paying attention. After work I went to the hospital to have some record of the incident. I filed a DWC1 forum which is a workmen’s comp form, letting my DSP know what happened, but they haven’t filled their portion out yet. I haven’t received any medical bills, so I’m probably fine. The dog situation is pretty stressful.