Can’t decide if I (27f) should stay in my current city or go back home

I was born and raised in Phoenix and decided a few years ago after a blindsiding break up that it was time for me to explore something new and move to Denver, a place I have always thought about moving to. It’s been about 3 years and while I love a lot of things about this city, it still has never felt like home to me. It sort of feels like I’m in college again with everyone being transplants and dating scene being mostly noncommittal. I have a very large family presence back home (including my 3 living grandparents that I’m very fortunate to still have around) and have started to feel homesick missing events/holidays throughout these years.

I have been going back and forth with the idea of moving back or staying and giving it another year or so but actually making a decision seems impossible. When I told my mom, she was surprised and said I thought you loved it there and want me to move and I told her that if she were here, I’d stay and that being a ~5 hour travel (getting to airport, flight, etc) by plane or ~12 by car is starting to become a lot every time I want to be back.

My biggest fear is moving back and then regretting my decision. Since living in Colorado, I have really come out of my shell and live a different/more active lifestyle. I was a depressed and broken person when I moved so I worry that going back would put me in that place again. If phoenix wasn’t hot as hell and had more greenery, it’d be a very easy decision but that’s unfortunately not the case in the valley. (I’d move to flagstaff if it wasn’t so expensive/college town vibes)

Open to any (respectful) advice! Have you moved out of hometown and juggled with if you should stay or go back home?

TLDR: Denver doesn’t feel like home, do I go back to my hometown