Seeking advice

Please be kind as I am trying to get solid advice to better my finances. I (32) got out of an abusive relationship. The relationship put me in difficult spot financially after I left as I used credit cards to keep utilities paid as well as rent. Now that I am out I’m trying to do what I can to pay off the debt ad raise my score. It’s tough though cause each paycheck goes to bills. I canceled all subscriptions, I stopped buying groceries because gas is a priority for me. I’m behind on some bills but they still get paid just a little later due to car repairs.

Experian has trouble pulling my two reports but my fico score is at 570. Whereas credit karma says I’m at 430. Out of the two who would you say is more reliable?

One credit card as 1500 left on it. The second credit card has about 1000 left on it. I’m trying to shuffle some things around to but I don’t see light at the end of this tunnel. I honestly don’t know what to do. I feel so lost and broken. I feel like a failure. I stopped therapy because I needed to put the money towards my current utility bills. My rent is going up and I know for a fact if I move I won’t be approved due to my credit score being so low. I offered to clean houses as a side hustle but that’s had no traction. I also can’t be approved for a loan due to my credit score.

Please any advice you have is greatly appreciated.