I'm a woman that infiltrated an incel community AMA
I found the community by chance. Met one of their members in an online game, who didn't know I was a woman, and I didn't know he was an incel. He invited me to his discord server and saw they were "redpilled" or "mgtow" as they liked to call it. I stayed to watch. I admitted to being a woman a couple weeks in and they allowed me to stay until I eventually left after a few months
Edit 1: I didn't expect for this to blow up as much as it did, so I'm going to start being more picky with answering questions, I apologize. If I ignore your question it's because I answered it elsewhere, I felt it was disingenuous, or I just didn't see it.
Edit 2: I'm about to go to bed so I'm calling it. Thank you to everyone who asked questions. If nothing else, hopefully this post helped people humanize and maybe better understand boys and men who fall under the "incel" umbrella a little bit.
To hopefully stop repeat questions, some of the most popular short answer questions are:
How many people were in the community? 50-60
How old were they? 15-35 range as far I know
What were their jobs? The only ones whose jobs I remember were in the military. I can't remember any beyond that unfortunately.
Do they call themselves incels? No, they called themselves MGTOWs or redpilled, these are two separate groups.
What do you think caused them to be like that? Childhood trauma, lack of a healthy maternal figure, low self esteem and echo chambers
Do you think there's hope for them? I think for the younger ones, absolutely. Not sure about the ones older than mid 20s.
How did they treat you? They alternated between disdain and harassment, speaking to me normally, and even kindly at times.
How do you spot one? I don't know. They were all capable of acting normal when they wanted to, I think it would be really difficult to know if they don't want you to know.
Do you think they're all horrible people? No.
Proof? This happened a few years ago so I have no proof besides my memories. I didn't like having this stuff on my phone and I have since gotten a new PC.