Feats of strength are a new season mechanic that you have 50% chance not be able to try out in a match.
We all already know that FoS missed the mark a bit. Mostly the first blood shenanigans. I myself inted today to get first blood, but losing my patience backfired on me and I gave it away myself. Then we failed to secure 3 objectives and bam, no shoes for us.
Which is a shame, because I like using them and their new effects. These T3 boots are a new season mechanic that were a big draw for s15, but it's a coinflip, if you get to try them out.
That's why I think that FoS need to be reworked so it's not a 'winner takes all' kind of mechanic, but if your team is just better, you'll get it long before the enemy. The boots themselves are not so strong that they would garantee a win by themselves - I was able to win many games where we lost FoS.
Some of the changes in objectives I saw in other posts that I liked were to change first blood to a x amount of unique kills, more than 1 turret, add a feat to farm up a collective number of cs. I'm sure there are dozens of great ideas in other posts.
Now it wouldn't be a race who gets the 2 out of 3, but it could be a checklist of challenges that all need to be met to gain access to the T3 boots. If enemy had a good early and gained their boots first, you'd have a harder time completing yours. But if you're good and can get back up, you can turn it around.
What do you think guys?