Printing uneven?
Hey y’all so I am having a weird issue with my printer(Neptune 2S) I recently disassembled my x axis because I wanted to swap the belt ends opposite of each other to reduce the fraying I was having on one of the ends. After putting it back together, releveling, and doing a first layer print, my prints are coming out too close on the right side no matter what I do. I’ve taken the x axis apart again and placed the belt back the way it was but still same issue. I even swapped the metal spring steel sheet that it came with for a glass bed and still same issue. I tried lowering the right side to compensate but still same result afterwards. The x gantry is leveled as well. And before anybody comments, yes the bed is leveled. I also have a bl touch installed(don’t know if that matters in this situation). Any suggestion as to why it is doing this?