¡No income tax en USA! ¿Ahora si que se vacia Puerto Rico?
PenFed :(
Is Monarch down?
Walgreens price increase?
No joke: How can i withdraw from phantom?
Departamento de Hacienda is a joke (Rant)
Response from my Senator!
How many of you are also waiting for retatrutide to come along?
Walgreens forcing 28 days, anyone else?
Ayuda Deistas/Agnosticos/Ateos en PR
Rant de horarios de cita aqui en PR
FDA approves Zep for OSA!
Desempleo y PAN
[Oregon] My husband's insurance company's neglect gave him brain cancer
Don't use Coinbase
7.5 not feeling it?
Los Boricuas somos brutos?
As many as 1 in 5 people won’t lose weight with GLP-1 drugs, experts say
Do I need PA every month I try to use $650 coupon card?
Has anyone stored their Zepbound vial in the fridge AFTER it has come to room temperature? And it's been ok to use?
TMO brought back $10 internet backup plan
Plateau on the highest dosage
IDR recertification renewal for 12/2025, but I already submitted an application a few weeks ago?
como cará sesupone q vote write in ahora?
Anyone stop using their CPAP?