FTM to 6 week old! I have questions !
Ex-vegan woman lost period - help!
My wife has taken a liking to the atlas. I have questions.
Can I wear my kimono to a concert?
Manga/Anime suggestions for daughter (11)
I'm so embarrassed by vegans who attack my friend for giving away wool for free.
1st child.
Aluminum Toxicity: Observations from a nurse
Y’all got any tips for beginners?
Pregnancy and early childhood vaccines (UK)
WIBTA if I prevented my anti-vaxxer mom from meeting her first grandchild for refusing to get the TDAP booster?
Do you ever wish you were less intelligent, didn't know as much, overall were just dumber?
Video Games as a Husband?
So many time periods, not enough time
Alright, who done it?
What's everyone's diet like?
New study again confirms childhood vaccines are likely responsible for nearly 80% of the autism cases in US
Social media makes it seem like pregnancy is the worst thing that can happen to you.
Toddler Vaccine
Realizing in our 14 person group chat today, we're all 35+ year old men and only two of us have kids
I've been able to dress more warmly in my history bounding clothing than my modern garments!
Vegan pregnancy: how is it possible?
Question about interior of 2020 vs 2021 Atlas
Hello from your mod team!
Observation: Most people choosing not to have kids don't consider the impact on how they will feel about their life purpose at 50-60 or older