Is this an emergency position/meatloaf?
Going to Sushi-Fi tomorrow for a friends birthday party, kind of unsure about the process…
Cat having Zyklene as whole tablet, not sprinkled on food
Swirly heart
Creepy but not necessarily horror games?
Smokin Fins Closing?
Necropsy Results
Conformation check
Is my horse behind the vertical??
Senior cat vomiting red bile, we don't know what to do and don't have money to take her in to the ER. Is there anything we can do to help her? She threw up a lot more than in the photos but my dad cleaned it up
Four inches of snow, whatcha cooking???
If you could only take one game to a deserted island, what would you take?
Working in an animal shelter - cross contamination OCD (vet tech)
Working in an animal shelter - cross contamination OCD
I can’t decide which RPG to play next
15 seconds of terror: The untold story of Bourbon Street attack from those who lived through it
Black ZZ plant hasn’t changed since I bought it 1-2 yrs ago
update: it’s leukemia
Most memorable safety stop?
3 different pets died in my arms today.
We noticed he hasn’t been eating as much…
Update - 3.5 year old cat died following simple dental procedure
Where would you rather work?
Husband has been vomiting for 17 hours
Are we horse shaming here?