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Is this the consensus for Lana's Holy Trinity? What's yours?
learning Uzbek can give you more testosterone
Are there any letters/sounds that natives in your language struggle with and have to intentionally learn?
Starting to like a language that you used to dislike
vitya art
Which language learning routine has given you the best/most progress in your learning journey?
Guess my native language based on my handwriting!
This weeks diamond league is rough
what do you do with the languages you learn just for fun?
Is there a language that you find so beautiful that you could just listen to it all day?
Which language are you learning in 2025 and why?
Any russian songs to recommend?
Lana commented on this IG post a few hours ago
my jaw is lower than Nicki's streams
Does anybody know who this is?
My top songs the last 6 months
should i end it all?
Harry Styles it is over for you now
Who is the ultimate karma queen?
Which pop girlie said that?
UPDATE: Chopped it off and I feel great
Fav current trend: pop girlies launching a serve era when they are allergic to serving
I am sorry but isn’t he ICONIC??!
The emotional support coffee you’ve had all day? Yeah I think we can’t do that