Which luxury car brand do you think truly defines luxury?
Which job do you think is pointless and should be removed?
What’s the most random thing you’ve ever Googled?
Which car brand do you trust the most and why?
Hey AskReddit, what are you having for dinner?
What was your favourite cartoon series in childhood ?
What’s the most underrated vacation destination?
What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve convinced someone is true for absolutely no reason at all?
If you could bring back any discontinued car model, what would it be?
what do you want to do on this weekend?
What’s your dream car?
If you could build your dream garage with only three cars, regardless of cost, which ones would you choose?
What’s something money can’t buy?
What makes you happy?
What fear have you been able to overcome?
what's your best relationship advice?
What has your significant other given you, that holds more meaning then regular everyday items?
What’s the first car you ever drove, and how did it go?
What are you craving right now?
What's something from your childhood, that kids today will never understand?
What makes the adult life so hard?
People, how not to feel yourself looser?
What’s the most overrated car ever made?
Which videogame you still playing since you were a child?
What's your fav cartoon as a kid?