Mom said young people today don't know anything about how America got it's independence day...proceeded to prove she didn't either
Was macht der schlechteste/schlimmste Schüler eurer Abschlussklasse heute?
Was waren eure einprägsamsten Erfahrungen mit „rechtskonservativen“ Arbeitskollegen?
Was sind die für euch unverständlichsten Gen Z-Einstellungen?
Update 2: Talked to M
An die Herren: Was sind unfassbar attraktive Dinge die Frauen tun ohne zu wissen das es euch anmacht? ( Ich suche nach äquivalenten zu hoch gerollten Hemdsärmeln bei Männern) Kleine Gesten die euch völlig den Kopf verdrehen?
I (F37) cheated on my husband (M45) a no judgement please
Sind Thai Massagen mit „Happy End“ üblich?
I gave my husband an ultimatum and I deeply regret it.
Families with children are the worst guests in restaurants
My partner is threatening me to call the cops because I want to talk to him about how he’s treating me.
BIDA weil ich die Wohnung meines Freundes nicht sauber genug vor meiner Party geputzt habe?
My husband (41m) and I (40f) went to couples therapy and I feel blindsided.
AITA for being angry my dad named me after a comic book character?
AITA for not buying my boyfriend another birthday gift after he rejected the original present?
my biological human children send love to my US siblings
Boyfriend (26M) said he would fuck my (23F) best friend
My girlfriend thinks yelling is worse than cheating and I'm not sure what to think
AITA for sharing the "private" text my conservative neighbor sent me with the neighborhood group chat?
BIDA weil ich mich nicht einschränken lassen will?
My boyfriend has been lying about going to the gym
Should I [33F] send this text to my ex [35M]
I've (37M) got a fuckbuddy (20F) pregnant and she doesn't want to terminate (religious). We get on well and are thinking of getting married, is there any reason not to?