rr3 wishlist
i just like doing svens man
what the flip livid
Most under hyped items?
Post your profile and I will ego it
Best Reaper armor set in the game
Perfect armor for dungeons
chat how many death threats am i getting? (reposted because reddit tweaked tf out and deleted the images)
Y'all like my actual term
I never realized how bad party finder was
overgrown grass at 56 visitors (0 denies)
i hate you voidgloom seraph
Second core at 163k xp lmao
Suffering from Success
party finder is peak
will he kill it
today's fun fact: using final destination and atomsplit katana grants 600 ferocity against enderman, but ferocity is capped at 500, so the extra 100 ferocity is just wasted
I just realised i probably got ripped off.
Recent weeks ive been grinding mindlessly, now I looked back and I have some budget
Cata 36 req on storm?
the walk of shame
continuing the grind, I beat Vammpire T5 without wearing chestplates
Free 100 Gems in supercell store
Holiday giving