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AITK for asking my gf to reimburse the 4L loss she caused me because of her negligence?
My GF (26F) told me yesterday that I would’ve never dated you if we had met in Group setting. (24M)
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Single Women out there, do you crave small gestures of affection?
Recently started playing The Stanley Parable and loving it! Looking for similar
Am I Overthinking Red Flags in a Potential Match? (29F, 32M, BLR)
Women who’ve experienced SA, how do you deal with intimacy?
My 29M bf of 3 years suddenly doesn’t want me. He is acting so weird. We even told our parents about our relationship and were planning a marriage but something happened! Im 28f
Would you date a guy earning less than you ?
Why men are hellbent on living with their parents
Trigger Warning: My cousin ruined my childhood
Men on this sub, how to be more approachable on dating app as a woman
Do 60% of women really support their families financially? What’s your opinion?
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AMITK for Ending Things Over My Dog?
How do I stop being emotionally dependent on others? Seeking advice on breaking free from an anxious attachment style.
Men of Reddit, What Non-Physical Quality Do You Find Insanely Attractive?
Can anyone tell me what’s going on in my life 🥹
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Who has helped you the most in your hard times?
How do people get into relationships so easily?
A date gone wrong, help me fix it for long run 😞
naina not invited to aaliyah's wedding? false
She wants a phone after 10 messages