Diabetic Cat puked this up? Any idea what it may be?
fwb slept with someone else and used a condom, should we use condoms again?
ordering clover vertica bean hopper?
Am I a scumbag for NOT being an organ donor?
My mom found out im sexually active and I don't know what to do
I think a customer forgot something
Roll call: please pick the letter and number closest to your position/view
Which apartment near campus is the best to live in?
WE should organize this thread by state/city
Everyone says it’s normal.
Who’s your least favourite character? I personally found Ross quite annoying and Owen…mixed feelings on him
Shaving? Waxing?
Trimming accident, how can I help it?
moving out, not going to college, and striking out as an adult?
Why don't the anti gun groups try to make the age where you can legally get firearms be 21 like how the anti drinking and driving groups managed to make the drinking age be 21 across the entire United States
I’m tired
Do I take him back?
Low Oxygen and Syncope, ER wants to send home
My husband won’t allow me to get a dog
I forged my coparents name
What's the worst pain you have experienced?
Dealing with Erratic Unhomed
What is the difference of э and е
new “coffee house code of conduct”
best reptile for a 20 gallon (30x12x12) terrarium either to start or permanently