is it dying or molting??
WWE: Peanut Butter Edition
Humidity problems
Food shamed 😭
I'm bored. I may have an answer to you question.
Got all new foods for them to try today !
Brag post! Luke at mah behbeh’s
Shell size
SOS!! I haven’t seen my crab in a week. Is it dead?
crabs modifying shells?
Would you buy aesthetic hides for your mischief? As long as they're still safe, cleanable and functional? (Scroll for pictures of the rat ball in the demo ❤️ ) my rats have been obsessed with these hides the second I made them and my partner insists I should list them but I'm quite anxious
Getting him neutered?
Crabby Revolt: Crabs on Strike for Leaf Litter Liberation!!
Cork bark flattening
naked crab 24 hours. what next?
Safe items
Molt window
OMG!!! Is it cancer??? Is he dying?? HELP!!!
How many hermit crabs for a 20 gallon?
is all of this good for them?? :)
Bioactive hermit crab experiment
Some more pics of the wildies
Need to re-home/classroom 4 hermit crabs (complete with all they need: aquarium, heating pad, etc). Does anyone know of organizations that will take hermit crabs that need to be re-homed/classroom?
Recycled ♻️♻️