HOT TAKE: I realized that the counterwatch issue is due the philosophy of "uniqueness" for every character
Could Rein become fully 3rd person?
Are there any eu teams I could support that are not Saudi funded?
A list of systems and changes that could come to Overwatch in 2025, with sources.
OW needs a content explosion
It feels like Overwatch needs something big this year, beyond just new characters/maps/skin collabs
Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - January 7, 2025
Alec Dawson (lead gameplay designer) just deleted his Twitter account
Forget hero bans, what's the consensus on Map Picking?
Rivals is genuinely a horrible game
What is your biggest issue with Overwatch and how would you change the game?
Together (Reflections 2) - OW Comic
Healbotting in 6v6
Ignoring 5v5, how do you think the 6v6 test compares to OW1 6v6
No longer watching owcs
Overwatch's Gavin Winter confirms Midseason 14 has a drive "with even more changes" (@4:48:01 in chat of emongg's stream)
what things work and don’t work in 6v6?
Perspective is key
Do you prefer 5v5 or 6v6?
6v6 Playtest (Average Tank Perspective)
Dps Passive changes a lot in 6v6
Bold Prediction: tanks are gonna hate the 6v6 test
Overwatch 2 Patch Notes - 6v6 Experiment Changes (222 Role Queue)
do you think it was a good idea to keep the increased health pools and weaker forms of the role passives for the 6v6 playtest
Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - December 16, 2024